Fayette County Courthouse
La Grange, Texas
 Completed - 1891
Architect - J. Riely Gordon
Photos: Robert Deering 1/31/2009

Historic Preicnct Courthouses


COUNTY NAMED FOR: Marquis de Lafayette.

COUNTY SEATS: One - La Grange.

COUNTY SEAT NAMED FOR: La Grange is the name of the chateau to which Lafayette retired outside of Paris.

COURTHOUSES: Four - 1838, 1848, 1855, and 1891

STANDING: One - 1891 Romanesque Revival courthouse built of stone.


1891 Courthouse
Texas DoT Photo 1939

RENOVATION: Complete - Rededication June 25, 2005.

ADDRESS: 151 N Washington St, La Grange, Texas


Fayette County
Precinct Courthouses

  1880 Precinct Courthouse
Fayetteville, Texas
1880 Precinct Courthouse
Roundtop, Texas