Wisconsin State Capitol

Completed: 1917
Architect: George Browne Post

Photos: Robert Deering 8/28/2014

In 1903 the Wisconsin Legislature realizes that the current Capitol building was not able to fully serve its purpose, so it appoints a Building Commission to consider the construction of a third new and larger Capitol building in Madison. In 1904 the Building Commission hardly begins its initial assignment when a fire destroys a large part of the interior of the Capitol building. At this time, a new and larger Capitol becomes a necessity. In 1906, construction of the west wing, which was the most heavily damaged area from the 1904 fire, is undertaken first. The west wing is completed and made ready for the Legislature in 1909. The east wing is completed in 1910 followed by the south wing in 1913. The rotunda and dome are completed in 1915. Construction of the new Capitol is finished in 1917 with the completion of the north wing.

ORIGIN OF STATE NAME: Based on an Indian word "Ouisconsin" believed to mean "grassy place" in the Cheppewa tongue.



1848 PREAMBLE: We, the people of Wisconsin, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, domestic tranquility...

ADDRESS:  2 East Main Street, Madison, WI 53703


Robert and Cheryl Deering And The Wisconsin State Capitol
Photo: Ferdie Deering 1950