Oklahoma State Capitol

Oklahoma City
Completed: 1917
Architect: S. A. Layton and S. Wemyss-Smith

Photos: Robert Deering 4/11/2013

In 1890 Guthrie was selected as the temporary capitol of Oklahoma Territory. After Oklahoma became the 46th state of the Union in 1907, a special election was held in 1910 to select a new location for the State Capital and Oklahoma City was the winner. Work began on the Capitol building in 1915. But the $1.5 million appropriated by the 4th Oklahoma Legislature did not cover the entire expense of the building. Plans for completing the dome were dropped temporarily because of the onset of World War I. Later, additional funds to complete construction without the dome were appropriated, and the building was opened in 1917 without its majestic crown. A "temporary" cap was placed on the building in the space where the high dome was to be constructed. It was a long wait as the cap remained in place until 2001, when construction of the dome finally proceeded. More than 75% of the estimated $21 million to build the dome was raised from private sources. Construction of the 157-foot structure was completed in 2002.

ORIGIN OF STATE NAME: The name "Oklahoma" comes from the Choctaw words: "okla" meaning people and "humma" meaning red, so the state's name literally means "red people."


STATE MOTTO: The Sooner State. During the late 1800s, land runs were held in what is now Oklahoma. The name, sooner, was used for those landrunners who snuck past the territory markers prior to the actual shotgun start in search of the best land areas and got there "sooner" than the rest.

1907 PREAMBLE: Invoking the guidance of Almighty God, in order to secure and perpetuate the blessings of liberty, establish this...

ADDRESS:  2300 N Lincoln Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK 73105

The Ten Commandments
monument has been

Oklahoma State Capitol
Before Dome Was Added
Photo: Robert Deering 1968
Cheryl and Robert Deering
At The Oklahoma State Line
Photo: Ferdie Deering 1951
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

 Old State Capitol Building

Completed: 1907
Architect: P. H. Weathers

Photo: Robert Deering 4/11/2013

Oklahoma's territorial capital and first state capital was located in the city of Guthrie.  The settlement of the first state capital began at noon on April 22, 1889, when cannons sounded the start of the Oklahoma land run. The town was designated as the territorial capital in 1890.  In 1907 Oklahoma became a state and government officials let voters decide on whether or not to move the capital to Oklahoma City.  On June 11, 1910, the state seal was taken from Guthrie and moved south to Oklahoma City, where the Oklahoma State Capitol is located today.  This building served as the Oklahoma State Capitol from 1907 until 1910, and now serves as the Logan County Courthouse. 

ADDRESS:  301 E Harrison Ave, Guthrie, OK

Guthrie, Oklahoma