PZL (Państwowe
Zakłady Lotnicze -
State Aviation Works) was
the main Polish aerospace
manufacturer of
the interwar
based in Warsaw,
functioning in 1928-1939.
The abbreviation was
thereafter - from late 1950s
- used as an aircraft brand
and as a part of names of
several Polish state-owned
aerospace manufacturers
referring to traditions of
the PZL, belonging to the Zjednoczenie
Przemysłu Lotniczego i
Silnikowego PZL -
PZL Aircraft and Engine
Industry Union. After the fall
of communism in Poland in
1989, these manufacturers
became separate plants,
still sharing the PZL name.
In the case of PZL
the abbreviation was later
developed as Polskie
Zakłady Lotnicze -
Polish Aviation Works.